With an improved software interface and several modeling enhancements you can count on ease of use and improved accuracy of prediction for reduced premature cracking risk easier than ever. Enhancements incorporated in HIPERPAV III include:
Improved Software Interface:
Modeling Enhancements:
The HIPERPAV team is committed to reducing cracking risks thus minimizing hefty expenditures on slab replace and removal operations. The next steps will focus on exploring a production version of HIPERPAV with automated weather data entry and automated cracking risk analysis and reporting.
Toggle to view and fill out the form to download HIPERPAV II today.
WisDOT modified the FHWA concrete pavement analysis software to use materials and conditions that are unique to Wisconsin, replacing the broad national inputs in the FHWA version of the software. WisDOT expects this new Wisconsin version of HIPERPAV to help DOT engineers and contractors design and build even higher quality concrete pavements throughout Wisconsin. The Wisconsin version of HIPERPAV includes new inputs and terms that better represent Wisconsin’s concrete pavement industry. A new cement library allows users to choose different cement types from local cement manufacturing plants. Agency officials have already made the software available statewide, and implementation is now underway.
HIPERBOND is a software program that predicts the performance of bonded concrete overlays. HIPERBOND evaluates the construction, pavement design, materials, and environmental factors during the first 72 hours after construction.
Bonded concrete overlays fail when de-bonding occurs. The use of HIPERBOND helps to predict and prevent de-bonding. The software originated as a module from the FHWA’s HIPERPAV software, but is now offered as stand-alone software that can be used independently. HIPERBOND includes two overlay modules – one for jointed concrete pavement and the other for continuously reinforced concrete pavement.
HIPERBOND models the early-age behavior of bonded concrete overlays and predicts potential de-bonding problems. HIPERBOND has been used extensively for planning of pavement projects, prevention of construction problems, and forensics investigations. It is used by contractors, pavement designers, material suppliers, and other industry stakeholders.
The Transtec Group engineers the best pavements in the world. Have a pavement problem? Give us a call—we’re good listeners.
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