
Rehabilitation and Reconstruction

The vast majority of precast concrete pavement systems (PCPS) construction in the United States is for rehabilitation or reconstruction of existing concrete pavements that require either full-depth repairs or full reconstruction. Much of this is in urban areas where lane closures must be minimized. Precast concrete pavement system provides a solution for everything from isolated full-depth slab repairs to full reconstruction of longer sections of pavement across single or multiple lanes.

Temporary Pavement

Precast concrete pavement systems provide a solution for temporary pavements. Construction of crossovers and detours can be a very costly component of a pavement reconstruction project. Prestressed precast concrete pavement panels can be used for the crossovers and can potentially be re-used multiple times.

New Construction

While precast concrete pavement systems are generally most cost-effective for rehabilitation and reconstruction of existing pavements, they also have applications for new construction. Sections of highways with limited access to ready-mix concrete, or areas of larger construction project where access must be provided to construction vehicles, detoured traffic, or intersections, are potential applications for precast concrete pavement systems.

Weigh-in-Motion Sites

Weigh-in-motion (WIM) sensors are commonly installed in concrete pavements, and precast concrete pavement systems provide a solution where the weigh-in-motion sensors can be can be cast into precast panels a panel for rapid installation during a short closure of the pavement.

Bridge Approach Slabs

Bridge approach slabs provide a transition from pavement slab on grade to the bridge deck, and are a common location for rehabilitation due to failure from a loss of support at the bridge abutment over time. While any underlying issues with approach slab support will need to be addressed, precast concrete pavement systems provides an excellent solution for rapid reconstruction of failed approach slabs during short closures. Precast concrete pavement systems approach slabs can also provide a solution for new construction. The approach slabs can be installed immediately after the bridge and embankment are constructed, allowing the abutting paving operation to continue across the bridge, rather than having to be moved around the bridge.


Intersections are critical locations that can generally be closed only for very short periods of time since they impact traffic flow in two or more directions. Precast concrete pavement systems provide a rapid construction solution for this type of application. Removable and re-usable precast concrete pavement systems are now available which permit the precast panels to be removed and replaced after the completion of any underground utility work.

Airfield and Industrial Pavements

Precast concrete pavement systems have been used for airfield pavements to a limited degree in the United States. Precast concrete pavement systems provide a solution for critical areas, such as aprons, taxiways, and runway intersections at busy airports that cannot be closed to aircraft except during short overnight windows. Because airfield and industrial (e.g., ports, mines, rail terminals) pavement slabs are generally much thicker than conventional highway pavements, prestressed precast concrete pavement systems can be used to help reduce the required thickness of these slabs under heavy wheel loads. levels can be adjusted so that thinner panels can be used, while also providing for higher flexural handling stresses from larger panel sizes.

Limited Overhead Clearances

For reconstruction of pavements beneath bridges or other structures, the new pavement section thickness is generally limited by overhead clearance requirements. Precast concrete pavement systems provide a solution that can reduce the required thickness of the pavement section through prestressing, while permitting construction during short closures.


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