Tire-Pavement Noise Services

Build Quieter Pavement

Traffic noise can be a major environmental concern for many roads and highways. 

Traffic noise can be a major environmental concern for many roads and highways. In many cases, the dominant source of traffic noise is tire-pavement noise, that is, sound produced by the tires rolling on the pavement. Sound walls or barriers are a common method of reducing traffic noise.

However, from research and experience, it is possible to build pavements that are quieter rather than noisier. Quieter pavements can be a lower cost alternative, or a supplement, to traditional noise abatement strategies.

Quieter Pavement Design and Construction Services

There are dozens of ways to make quiet pavements, but only a few will meet your needs. We will help you decipher which methods are best suited to you.

Because Transtec combines noise control experts with pavement experts, we are uniquely qualified to provide cost-effective alternatives for designing quiet pavements. We have the experience and knowledge to help you balance the many variables such as cost, materials availability, construction time, performance demands, and others. We work with you to identify quiet pavement design options that best meet your project-level and network-level objectives.

Tire-Pavement Noise Analyses and Troubleshooting

Nearby residents are complaining about traffic noise – but the pavement is constructed the same as another road without complaints. Why?

Transtec experts understand highway construction materials, surface texture, tire-pavement noise, and how all these interact. We can review your design, materials, and conduct specialized surface texture measurements to understand the root cause of high noise levels from a pavement. Using state-of-the-art texture measuring methods and three-dimensional profiles, we can diagnose why a pavement surface texture is louder than expected

Network Level Evaluation of Tire-Pavement Noise

Which pavements in your region are quieter?  Which are louder?  Do your pavements get louder or quieter with age? 

Answers to questions such as these are needed to formulate a quieter pavements strategy in your region.

Using the On-Board Sound Intensity (OBSI) test method, Transtec is capable of conducting tire-pavement noise measurements across a network of roads. The results create a database or catalog of pavement noise levels for the roads in your region. Such information allows you to identify quieter from louder construction methods.

For existing roads, it can help identify louder sections with higher risk of noise impact on roadside development.  Results are visually presented in a Google Earth based tool which includes audio samples of the noise and photos of the pavement.

Tire-Pavement Noise Data Collection, Analysis, and Reporting

When you want an accurate measurement of tire-pavement noise level, we have the most reliable solution.

Transtec provides state-of-the-art tire-pavement noise measurement services worldwide. We provide a complete service package with quick turnaround time. Whether you want to measure one section, compare multiple sections, or evaluate an entire network, simply identify the location(s), and we will take care of everything else. We will collect the data, perform a full analysis, and deliver a comprehensive yet easy to understand report of the tire-pavement noise levels resulting from the selected pavement sections.

There are many test standards related to tire-pavement and vehicle noise.

Here are some common standards for which Transtec provides testing and engineering services. 
Contact us if your specific standard does not appear in the list.

  • AASHTO TP 76 Measurement of Tire/Pavement Noise Using the On-Board Sound Intensity (OBSI) Method
  • AASHTO TP 98 Standard Method of Test for Determining the Influence of Road Surfaces on Vehicle Noise Using the Statistical Isolated Pass-By (SIP) Method
  • AASHTO TP 99 Standard Method of Test for Determining the Influence of Road Surfaces on Traffic Noise Using the Continuous-Flow Traffic Time-Integrated (CTIM) Method
  • ISO 11819-1 Acoustics — Measurement of the influence of road surfaces on traffic noise — Part 1: Statistical Pass-By (SPB) method
  • ISO 11819-2 Acoustics — Measurement of the influence of road surfaces on traffic noise — Part 2: Close Proximity (CPX) method
  • ISO 5128 Acoustics — Measurement of noise inside motor vehicles
  • SAE J1477 Measurement of Interior Sound Levels of Light Vehicles
  • SAE J2920 Measurement of Tire/Pavement Noise Using Sound Intensity
  • ANSI S12.8 Methods for Determining the Insertion Loss of Outdoor Noise Barriers
  • ANSI S12.9 Quantities and Procedures for Description and Measurement of Environmental Sound.  Parts 1 through 6.
  • ISO 13472-2 Acoustics — Measurement of sound absorption properties of road surfaces in situ — Part 2: Spot method for reflective surfaces (impedance tube method)


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