SEAHC Demonstration Products

The FHWA Surface Enhancements At Horizontal Curves (SEAHC) effort

Demonstration projects have been installed in eight states to date to determine the effect of HFS on reducing crash rates on horizontal curves. The states participating in this effort identified specific horizontal curves with high crash rates that could benefit from the installation of HFS, and installations were completed in Summer 2009 through Summer 2011.

Completed SEAHC Demonstrations

Projects shown in the map include all projects tested under the SEAHC Program. See specific project pages for installation and testing information under the SEAHC Program: Colorado, Kansas, Montana, North Carolina.

Testing of SEAHC Demonstrations​

For each SEAHC HFS installation, friction and texture testing were conducted on the existing pavement surface just before application of the HFS material, and on the finished surface immediately following HFS application.

Tests were conducted in the right wheelpath and center of the lane at 2-4 locations per site, depending on the section length. The same tests will be conducted again at each site approximately one year after the HFS was installed.

The following tests were conducted at each site:

  • Dynamic Friction Tester (ASTM E 1911)
  • Circular Track Meter (ASTM E 2157)
  • GripTester (ASTM E 1844 / BS7941)
  • Volumetric Macrotexture Depth (“Sand Patch” – ASTM E 965)
  • RoboTex Texture Measurement (ISO 13473)

FAQ for FHWA SEAHC Demo Projects

What is the purpose of the SEAHC HFS demonstrations?

The purpose of the field trials under the SEAHC effort is to determine the effect of high friction surfacing on reducing accident rates on horizontal curves. As such, accident data for the three years prior to and three years following the HFS installations will be collected. Additionally, skid resistance, texture depth, and tire-pavement noise (if appropriate) data will also be collected at each demonstration site.

How can I get more information on the SEAHC HFS demonstrations?

This website will be kept up-to-date with the latest information on the SEAHC HFS demonstrations.  If you can’t find the information you are looking for, please contact us, or you can contact Mr. Mike Moravec with FHWA’s Office of Pavement Technology at (202) 366-3982 or mike.moravec@dot.gov.

Can my state participate in an FHWA SEAHC HFS demonstration?

If your state is interested, please contact Mr. Mike Moravec with FHWA’s Office of Pavement Technology at (202) 366-3982 or mike.moravec@dot.gov.


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