HIPERPAV® (HIgh PERformance Concrete PAVing) software is used to analyze the early age behavior of jointed concrete pavements, continuously reinforced concrete pavements, and bonded concrete overlays.


HIPERPAV is used by planners, designers, contractors, and suppliers for a variety of purposes. During the planning stage, HIPERPAV can be used to develop quality control specifications based on the available materials and local climatic conditions. Pavement designers use HIPERPAV to optimize the design variables and guarantee long-term performance while maximizing economy. Contractors use HIPERPAV to prevent expensive repairs by predicting potential damage and determining how to prevent it. With HIPERPAV, suppliers manage the temperature of the concrete based on their mix designs and specific climate and project conditions.

HIPERPAV was developed by Transtec and the FHWA after completing a research project modeling the early-age development of concrete strength and stresses resulting from moisture and temperature changes within the pavement.



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