
A series of HIPERPAV workshops have been organized and conducted throughout the United States to demonstrate HIPERPAV and to inform contractors, academia, and state departments of transportation (DOT) of the importance of early-age behavior. These workshops captured the attention of local government agencies, private industry, and educational institutions. This implementation phase has succeeded because of the unified approach taken by the FHWA, Transtec, and the American Concrete Pavement Association. Each party has identified great benefits in the HIPERPAV system and has taken a unique role in its successful implementation.

Leading highway agencies in implementing HIPERPAV include the Wisconsin DOT for which HIPERPAV was recently tailored to meet their local conditions and the Ohio DOT that has developed specifications where the use of HIPERPAV is required to evaluate paving scenarios.

Efforts to Implement HIPERPAV II have and will continue to be conducted. Technical support, training sessions, and additional workshops throughout the States are being provided to demonstrate the new HIPERPAV system to government agencies and the pavement industry in general.


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