Texture Services

Understanding Texture

Pavement texture is a significant pavement surface characteristic affecting friction, noise, smoothness, and more. Texture is often categorized by wavelengths (the length between physically repeating features). A pavement surface is often a combination of numerous wavelengths, ranging in size.

Using a Profiler to Measure Texture

Transtec operates RoboTex, a unique, robotic-based texture-measuring device utilizing a line laser. RoboTex produces full 3-dimensional images that allow detailed and intuitive visualization of the surface texture. A full suite of analytical metrics are also determined, including mean profile depth (MPD) and spectral metrics. Texture in both the longitudinal and transverse directions is evaluated, especially useful on surfaces with directional texture.

Texture Specifications

How should I specify pavement texture to increase the likelihood of achieving a safe, durable, and quiet pavement?

Transtec’s pavement experts can help you by developing texture specifications to be met by contractors during construction. Guidance can be provided on texture to optimize safety and noise. For asphalt surfaces, we can develop specifications for temperature and compaction to meet density requirements. For concrete surfaces, we can develop specifications for curing to improve surface strength and durability.

Texturing Concrete

I’m an owner/agency. What is best for my road and situation, drag or longitudinal tine? I’m a contractor. How long after placement should I texture and then cure?

There are many ways to finish concrete pavement; tining, dragging, and grinding to list a few. Transtec can help owner/agencies identify and specify a texture optimized for their particular situation. We can help contractors with process guidelines and controls to meet texture, smoothness, and durability requirements.

Texture Testing Standards

There are many texture standards.

Transtec can help you understand the standards, analyze and interpret test data, and, for some, provide testing services. Contact us if your specific standard does not appear in the list.

  • ASTM E 965 Standard Test Method for Measuring Pavement Macrotexture Depth Using a Volumetric Technique (sand patch method)
  • ASTM E 2157 Standard Test Method for Measuring Pavement Macrotexture Properties Using the Circular Track Meter (CTM test)
  • ASTM E 2380 Standard Test Method for Measuring Pavement Texture Using an Outflow Meter
  • ISO 13473-1 Characterization of pavement texture by use of surface profiles — Part 1: Determination of mean profile depth
  • ISO 13473-2 Characterization of pavement texture by use of surface profiles — Part 2: Terminology related to pavement texture profile analysis
  • ISO 13473-3 Characterization of pavement texture by use of surface profiles — Part 3: Specification and classification of profilometers
  • ISO 13473-4 Characterization of pavement texture by use of surface profiles — Part 4: Spectral analysis of surface profiles
  • ISO 13473-5 Characterization of pavement texture by use of surface profiles — Part 5: Determination of megatexture
  • ISO 13565-2 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) — Surface texture: Profile method; Surfaces having stratified function properties — Part 2: Height characterization using the linear material ratio curve
  • EN 13037-7 Irregularity Measurement of Pavement Courses: the Straightedge Test


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